• George NedelNeighbor

  • Troy, MI
  • Website

Inviting all local businesses and services to list your company where thousands of people will be looking.

"Can I get a discount"?

How many times have you heard customers ask this?


Add your business or service listing.

Special 33% Discount, sign up before November 19, 2019


At top of the page, click: Advertise

You can list as much or little about your business or services.

Do you want to add coupons, menu, list of services, videos?


All visitors to southeast Michigan will get cards with this website.

All hotels will be providing this website for visitors to look up:

attractions, businesses, dining, entertainment, events, family fun centers, restaurants, transportation and more!

Make sure everyone gets a discount for your business.


Posting Activity

George Nedel currently has no active events